Thursday, March 31, 2011

April fool's day!

I read the other day where a man went to court because he said that christians had holidays,like Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving, and non believers did not have any., He wanted  a holiday for non believers because it wasn't fair the way it was. So the judge went into his chambers to think on the matter, when the judge came back he told the man he had made his decision. He said,"I have thought the matter over and decided you were mistaken. You do have a holiday,I read in Ecclesastes 2:14 that"The fool walketh in darkness". So sir,  you do have a holiday and it's April 1, April fools Day.
     The whole purpose of Jesus death on the cross was to pay our sin debt. 1Corinthians 15:3 says "Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures".This man never sinned, but He became sin for us His death on the cross was full payment for our sins.
    2Corinthians 5:21 reads "for HE hath made Him (Jesus Christ) to be sin for us ,who knew no sin ; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him". Jesus offers the only way for our sins to be forgiven. He offers eternal life as a free gift to all who will call upon His name.
    My friend it's never to late to surrender to the Lord.
    Tomorrow may not be yours to see, don't wait till it's to late .
          Till next time       God Blees You!       wayne

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


         Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of Him [God]
from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead , so that they are without excuse."
   For so many I talk to today it seems that their hearts have been darkened and they have an excuse  for anything you ask, whether it be about salvation or about church.
  When you ask them about going to church they have all kinds of excuses. I just saw an artical where someone had made a humorous list that reflects this very question, Instead of  "why I never go to church ,It's , Why I never wash." I think you will see what I mean.
 [1] I was forced to wash as a child.
 [2} People who wash are hypocrites - They think they are cleaner than others
 [3} There are so many kinds of soap, I could never decide which one was right
{4} I used to wash but it got boring.  
.{5}I wash only on Christmas and Easter.
 {6} None of my friends wash.
  {7} I'll start washing when I'm older.
  {8  I really don"t have time.
  {9}The bathroom isn't warm enough.
 {10} People who make soap are only after your money.
It's pretty easy to see that most excuses are pretty weak for not going to church.
People often use the most ridiculous excuses for not going to church and if you should mention that they need Jesus Christ as Savior they often become uneasy and want to get away as quick as possible.
     We saw in Romans 1:20 where Paul wrote,"They are without excuse."
Don't be caught makeing excuses when it comes to something as serious as your spiritual condition.
Jesus loves you and He died for you, can't you spare one hour a week for Him?
       Till next time         GOD BLESS YOU!          wayne

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is in your heart?

This week I have been going through a lot of material that my father-in-law had saved over the years.  He had been a lay minister for many years and he had saved sermons, songs, poems, pretty much anything he could find to use for God's glory. I found this story and I was caught up in the message it contained, as I hope you will be.
                                                       THE HEART
     "Tomorrw morning," the surgeon began, "I'll open up your heart."
     "You'll find Jesus there," the little boy interrupted.
      The surgeon looked up, annoyed, "I'll cut your heart open,"he continued."I need to see how much damage has been done."
     "But when you open up my heart, you'll find Jesus in there."said the little boy.
     The surgeon looked to the parents, who sat quietly. "When I see how much damage has been done, I'll sew  your heart and chest back up, and I'll plan what to do next."
     "But you'll find Jesus in my heart. The Bible says He lives there. You'll find Him in my heart."
     The surgeon had had enough. "I'll tell you what I'll find in your heart," he replied. " I'll find damaged muscle, low blood supply, and weakened vessels. Also I'll find out if I can make you well."
    "You'll find Jesus there too, He lives there."
      The surgeon left and did the surgery.
       Later he sat in his office recording his notes from the surgery,...'Damaged pulmonary vein, widespread muscle degeneration, No hope for transplant, no hope for cure. Therapy: Pain killers and bed rest. Prognosis:(here he paused for a time) and then wrote... death within one year."
He stopped the recorder, but there was more to be said.
      As he sat there he began to question God.  "Why", he ask aloud, "Why did you do this? You put him here; You've put him in this pain and You've cursed him to an early death, Why."
      The Lord answered and said, "The boy, My lamb, was not meant for your flock for long for he is a part of My flock and will forever be. Here, in My flock, he will feel no pain and will be comforted as you can not imagine. His parents will one day join him here and they will know peace and My flock will continue to grow."
     The surgeon's tears were hot, but his anger was hotter."You created that boy and You created that heart.  He'll be dead in months, why?'
     The Lord answered, "The boy, My lamb, shall return to my flock, for he has done his duty. I did not put My lamb with your flock to lose him, but to retrieve another lost lamb, YOU!"
     The surgeon wept and asked God for forgiveness....Later the surgeon sat beside the boy's bed; the boy's parents sat across from him.  The boy awoke and whispered,"Did you cut open my heart?"
   "Yes," said the surgeon. "What did you find?" asked the little boy.
     "I found Jesus there," said the surgeon.
                          John 14:6 says"I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE:NO MAN COMETH  UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME."
     My prayer today is that each of us  keep Jesus in our hearts and that we can stand as firm as the little boy in the story did.
                   Till next time           GOD BLESS YOU        Wayne